The Self-Publishing Finish Line — Are you Prepared?

Writing your first book is only half the effort. The other half involves marketing, promoting, publishing and selling the book (the marketing begins Day One, the instant you put your pen to paper, or tap that first letter on the keyboard).
I have self-published over 20 books of creative work and writing guides on Amazon via Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP), formerly Create Space:
Once you think you are done, consider the following finishing touches, which will take you close to a month:
* Proofreading/Copyediting — I use a journalist, a features writer with 30 years’ experience as my copyeditor. He doesn’t overcharge and he knows what to copyedit, having had it beat into him in Journalism School and over 3 decades writing for the public. (one to two weeks)
* Book Formatting: Take the time to find a template that works with the strict KDP guidelines, which are all built around the efficiency of Print-on-Demand. Make sure everything is consistent: epigraphs, page numbering, indents, hyphenated words at the end of a line, spacing and font size. I like a Palatino or Georgia 12 point font, or Montserrat 12 point if available. (one to two weeks)
* Uploading a PDF file to KDP, and ordering your “galley” copy(one week). There’s nothing like seeing your work in print as an actual paperback to catch silly, sloppy typo, major, errors. Order an extra galley copy for your copy editor to review. (one to two weeks).
* Organize a book launch event. Most bookstores will not accommodate self-published authors, even the local, independent bookstores. So, seek out alternatives. This summer, my author clients have launched at a golf clubhouse, at a coffee shop/bar, and at a local historic hotel (slight charge for room rental and catering).
Another client of mine is writing a motorcycle riding memoir, and he’s gotten the local Indian motorcycle dealership to host his launch event.
Use your imagination!
photo credit: Sidehike