The New Job

Most people spend the greatest part of their time working in order to live, and what little freedom remains fills them with fear.
— Goethe
There is no desk.
Maybe there’s a chair,
which folds into the shape
Of a collapsed umbrella.
Your advanced social skills are not required
but a compass might help.
The orientation phase is simple:
can you catch summer rain in your hat?
No networking or negotiating is involved;
your competency will cripple you.
Subject Matter Experts need not apply.
The days are long,
And the pay is low
but the checks clear quickly.
You will be navigating new territory,
a dual role of transcendence and descent.
There is no outfitter or guide,
or supervisor or vice president
(the board has yet to vote on any motion).
Most everything will be a solo
route across a silent cliff face.
There are no
checklists, timelines or performance
reviews. Some will turn back, some will refuse
and most never even realize this position exists.
When can you start?
Photo credit: Ed Dunens